My oldest recently lost his first tooth. Which meant that the Tooth Fairy had to come visit our house for the very first time! Yikes! The first thing I noticed is those teeth are darn little. And being the (somewhat) conscientiousness mother that I am, I was terrified that the Tooth Fairy would not be able to find that little thing as hard as she might search without rousing my peacefully sleeping child. Oh the horror! Sooooo I decided to create a special bag to hold the tooth as it would be a much bigger target for the Tooth Fairy.
If you too are looking for a simply way to aid your local Tooth Fairy, you can download the Printable PDF here. I have upload the design in both Pink and Blue, your choice.
Once downloaded simply print it on a Light Fabric Transfer Sheet (I have already flipped the design for you) and iron it onto a small canvas favor bag. (I found some lovely one in the craft section of Target.)
It worked wonders in our house and my son was oh so delighted, the next morning, to find that it had been refilled with a few gold coins! I hope that it will help you also have a blissful Tooth Fairy experience.