Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Easter Inspiration - Egg Hunt 2010!!

Last year we threw our first egg hunt party (because it was the first year that all the kids were old enough to "get it" even a little bit) and we had SO MUCH FUN that we decide to make it a tradition!! So, recently while I was pulling together decorations for this year's party, I went back to reference the pictures from last year and thought that they might be fun to share. If you are having an egg hunt party this year, here's a little inspiration...

I decorated the yard with tons of lanterns of various sizes hung in our tree branches...

I lined the garden with pinwheels that I found at Cost Plus World Market...

Instead of a dessert table, I did a "build your own basket" with an assortment of toys from Oriental Trading Company. (Being not quite 2 the kids were a little young for a ton of candy)

Since we had an early morning egg hunt, I put out a brunch spread so everyone could recharge after an energetic hunt!

We "hid" tons of eggs filled with Cheerios, Teddy Grahams and Animal Crackers...

And the kids had a blast finding them!

I got a bunch of bunny ears at the Target dollar bin and they were a big hit!

I'm REALLY looking forward to this year's egg hunt!! (Especially since the kids can actually hunt for eggs now!!)


  1. That is absolutely adorable! I have a little tree that I hang eggs from every year as well...decorating the eggs is definitely my favorite part.

  2. OMG the kids are adorable! and i LOVE your backyard!

    *wishing we were neighbors* LOL

  3. This was one of the best parties we have ever gone too and seeing Lauren in those bunny ears cracks me up!

  4. Love the bright colors and the yard decor! So adorable & festive.

  5. Totally cute idea! The globes in the trees add such a nice canopy! How are you going to do it differently this year? Or maybe just a repeat because it was so nice the first time around?

  6. ps this wasn't this year's party right?

  7. I have a just turned 5 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son, and we are so excited to have an egg hunt for them. We've done it each year and it is a lot of fun! I love your celebration! Like you, I love the $1 bin at can great stuff, right?

  8. Aww, they're all so little! Was that only a year ago?

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