Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm Back!!

Hi! I'm alive. Can you believe it?! So, you can all stop sending those sweet emails asking where the heck-ity heck I've been. (Not that i didn't LOVE each and every one of them!!) I'm soooo sorry for ducking out for so long! Things got a little crazy. My husband brought home what I can only refer to as the "walking plague" and then Dashell got a version of it and the baby got a fever and a bad cough. And I was running around trying desperately to keep each one of them in their own cocoon of illness so as not to contaminate the others with their specific strain (and of course to keep everyone away from the baby! Especially Dashell with his hourly declarations of love which usually involve a hug and a kiss; or lately have involved a hug and a cough right into the recipient's face!)

I think all mothers out there can understand that when illness strikes you batten down the hatches and deal with what you can as you can. Sadly my blog writing had to fall off the end of the list.

BUT... now that I have peeked my head out of the hatch and finally have felt the warm beautiful sun on my face, I'm back!! And later today I'll post a fabulous GIVE AWAY so stay tuned!!

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